Neocons & Liberals Together, Again
February 2, 2005
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ThisWeek on the Right
Liberal Hawks Ally withProject for the New American Century
Neoconsand Liberals Together, Again
ByTom Barry
Theneoconservative Project for the New American Century (PNAC) has signaled itsintention to continue shaping the government’s national security strategy witha new public letter stating that the “
TheJanuary 28th PNAC letter advocates that House and Senate leaders take thenecessary steps “to increase substantially the size of the active duty Army andMarine Corps.”
Joiningthe neocons in the letter to congressional leaderswere a group of prominent liberals—giving some credence to PNAC’sclaim that the “call to act” to increase the total number of
Afteran initial spate of public pronouncements after September 11th and during theonset of the
Itsnew call for congressional leaders to increase overall
Mugging and Hugging
IrvingKristol, known as the “godfather of neoconservatism,” famously defined neoconservatives as“liberals who have been mugged by reality.” That political mugging occurred inthe late 1960s and early 1970s with the rise of the counterculture, theanti-war movement, and progressive New Politics of the Democratic Party.
FormerTrotskyite militants and Cold War liberals like Kristol,Norman Podhoretz, and Midge Decterswitched their loyalties to the Republican Party. The “reality” that mugged theneocons was the progressive turn in the DemocraticParty led by such figures as Jesse Jackson, Bella Abzug,George McGovern, and Jimmy Carter. In contrast, the neoconservatives found themilitant anticommunism and social conservatism of the Ronald Reagan faction inthe Republican Party invigorating. In the neoconlexicon, liberalism became synonymous with secularism, women’s liberation,anti-Americanism, and appeasement.
Overthe past quarter century, the neocons have sought,with increasing success, to rid the Republican Party of its isolationists, itsanti-imperialists, and its realists. The younger neocons,such as William Kristol (son of
Traditionalconservatives and Republican Party realists say that the neocons’foreign policy agenda is, respectively, neo-imperialist and unrealistic aboutthe capacity of
(Tom Barry is policydirector of the International Relations Center, online at and author ofnumerous books on international relations.)
Seecomplete Right Web article online at:
Withprinter-friendly .pdf version at:
For more informationabout the liberal hawks, see the following Right Web profiles from the IRC:
Projectfor a New American Century:
ProgressivePolicy Institute:
DemocraticLeadership Council:
Centerfor Security Policy:
Condoleezza Rice:
Lettersand Comments
Re:Douglas Feith (
Iwas very impressed with your article on Douglas Feithand all that he has done to help shape neoconservative policies in thisadministration. I consider myself a conservative/populist American. However, Idon’t consider myself a Republican anymore due to George W’s four years ofmisguided
– CraigZander <>
Re:Michael Novak (
Aunque fueen 1994 que se publicó el libro. Este hemisferio de libertadde Michael Novak, siempre lo comentéen una modesta universidad en la escuela de ciencias políticas de mi país. Estoy convencido que es muy oportunopromover conferencias sobre la temática de esa obra y de otrasque posibiliten continuar fortaleciendo y entendiendo la democrácia
– RafaelMenjivar Lopez (
Re:Right Web Individual Profiles (
Wishyou would expand your list to include, among others, Ralph Reed, Tom DeLay, Dennis Hassert, Paul Weyrich, etc. Itwould be useful to understand ALL of the “players” in the right-wingmovement, the roles they play, etc. An interactive web site, and perhaps a CDwith the web site on it would be a great tool for the politically interested tounderstand size and scope of the conservative machine.
– FranzHespenheide (
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