Apostate Muslims & US Militarism; Foundation for Defense of Democracies, Fallout from Wikileaks, and
By Edited By Michael Flynn December 20, 2010
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Apostate Politics: How Some Recanted Muslims Have Bolstered Militarist U.S. Policies
By Samer Araabi
Militarist advocacy organizations often employ exiles from Muslim countries to bolster their promotion of hardline U.S. policies. Individuals such as Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Wafa Sultan, and Nonie Darwish have used their perches at neoconservative think tanks to rise to prominence as “apostates” of Islam, speaking out against the religion for its purported backwardness and tendency to violence. Though making generalizations about the cultural predispositions of more than a billion people may be patently absurd, these individuals have provided considerable ammunition to efforts to justify military intervention and other hawkish U.S. policies in the region. Read full article.
Foundation for Defense of Democracies
The neoconservative FDD claims to be waging a war to save democratic countries from “radical Islamism” and other “anti-democratic forces.”
The Washington Post’s new in-house neocon, Jennifer Rubin has become a leading voice among hardline “pro-Israel” pundits.
A presumptive GOP presidential candidate, former Senator Rick Santorum uses his perches at Fox News and at the neocon Ethics and Public Policy Center to hype fears that the United States is under dire threat from a heady assortment of enemies.
A well-connected lobbyist and political insider who advised the McCain-Palin campaign, Scheunemann’s clients have also included Tea Party politicos, defense contractors, and George Soros’ Open Society.
Ottolenghi is a Brussels-based neocon and senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.
A bastion of conservative scholarship and advocacy, the Claremont Institute hosts a number of programs that push hawkish foreign policies.
A former Bush administration foreign policy adviser, Doran is a promoter of “soft power” strategies for overthrowing the Iranian government.
This Brussels-based organization, founded by the American Jewish Committee, has served as an outlet for neoconservative advocacy in Europe.
US Pakistani Ambassador Unknowingly Hosted Neocon Fundraiser
A neoconservative think tank appears to have held a fundraiser at the residence of Pakistan's ambassador without telling the hosts that the dinner was billed as part of conference on "Countering the Iranian Threat.”
US to Transfer Nuclear Material to Israel
The Obama administration’s decision to transfer nuclear fuel to Israel represents an end run around the Non-Proliferation Treaty, the same treaty the United States and other countries accuse Iran of violating in developing its nuclear program.
US Readies New Sanctions on Iran Ahead of Talks
The Obama administration is preparing a new batch of sanctions against Iran to be announced in advance of upcoming nuclear talks in Turkey.
Mideast Peace Key to Countering Iran, Arabs Told US Diplomats
Although U.S. neoconservatives and their right-wing Israeli counterparts have touted the Wikileaks dump as showing that Arab governments no longer think the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is key to regional peace, the documents themselves tell a very different story.
Cables Belie Gulf States’ Backing for Strikes on Iran
A careful reading of the Wikileaks diplomatic cables reveals that, contrary to the mainstream media’s portrayal of the documents, most Gulf Arab regimes are seriously concerned about the consequences of a strike against Iran.
Time Runs Short for Progress on Iran Nuke Talks
The first meeting between Iran and the world's major powers in more than a year ended with little to show apart from a vague promise to meet again next month in Turkey.
Obama Pushes START Treaty to Top of Legislative Agenda
With time running out before he faces a much more hostile and Republican Congress, President Obama seems to have made ratification of the new START Treaty with Russia his top legislative priority, despite considerable push back from hardline neoconservatives and far-right Republicans.
Report Urges Enhanced Maritime Security in West Africa
Despite Washington's Mideast focused “war on terror” and renewed interest in East Asia, there is increasing pressure to move West Africa up the ladder of foreign policy priorities.
No Top Secrets, but Damaging Nonetheless
The dump of U.S. diplomatic cables reveals few deep secrets but may bury diplomatic trust in the short run.
Hawks, Doves Aflutter Over Pyongyang’s Latest Moves
North Korea has propelled itself to the top of an already over-crowded U.S. overseas agenda with news that is has built a state-of-the-art facility capable of enriching uranium to weapons grade, followed by its bombardment of a South Korean island.
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