The Last Days of the Bush Administration: Protecting the Legacy
By Leon Hadar

What seems to have survived from the neoconservative project of Democratic Empire in the Middle East is merely the Empire. Drained of its Wilsonian idealism, the project has been transformed into a hasty Realpolitik-based program of sustaining the U.S. hegemonic position in the region—and salvaging President George W. Bush’s legacy. But the chances of success seem slim. Read entire article.


Ariel Center for Policy Research
An Israel-based policy institute that unites Likud Party officials and the pro-Israel right-wing in the United States behind an agenda that includes making sure peace efforts do not include Israel giving up territory to its "totalitarian enemies," the Ariel Center was founded in 1998 with the help of a grant from Arison Foundation, a philanthropic organization set up by deceased Israeli billionaire and Carnival Cruise line founder Ted Arison.

See also: Ariel Center Experts and Advisers

Right Web Profile: Anne Bayefsky
A Canadian human rights scholar and fellow at the neoconservative Hudson Institute, Bayefsky writes on the "moral depravity" of the UN and the need to take a hardline stance on Mideast "enemies" like Iran.

Right Web Profile: Ilan Berman
A rising star among the ranks of hawkish pro-Israel wonks, Berman, VP of the American Foreign Policy Council, frequently testifies before Congress on issues related to U.S. Mideast policy.

Right Web Profile: Rachel Ehrenfeld
Despite criticism of her research techniques and her conclusions, Ehrenfeld, a prominent voice in the rightist discourse connecting terrorism and transnational crime, is heralded by neoconservatives and other rightist factions.

Right Web Profile: Meyrav Wursmer
Part of a core group of neoconservative elites who helped formulate policies that were adopted by the Bush administration after 9/11, Wurmser is a fellow at the Hudson Institute and founder of MEMRI.

Right Web Profile: Frank Gaffney
A proponent of the "peace through strength" credo, Gaffney and his Center for Security Policy promote controversial weapons programs, a Likudnik line on Mideast issues, and an expansive "war on terror" targeting "Islamofascists" throughout the Middle East.

Right Web Profile: William Van Cleave
A Reagan-era defense official closely associated with an enduring clique of hawkish elites who first banded together in the late 1970s to form the Committee on the Present Danger, Van Cleave is the founder and former chair of the Defense and Strategic Studies Department at Missouri State University, a bastion of veteran conservative policy elites.


Resolving Israeli-Syrian Tensions
By Khody Akhavi April 30, 2007

A recent report by the International Crisis Group outlines steps Israel should take to ease tensions with Syria and encourage broader stabilization in the Middle East. Read entire article.

Right Web Profile: Fred Thompson
Hardliners love the idea that the former senator, well-known actor, and AEI fellow might run for president because, as one right-wing blog puts it (in a tongue-in-cheek reference to Dune), "The Fremen consider ‘Fred Thompson’ a killing word."

Right Web Profile: John Bolton
The controversial former U.S. ambassador to the UN has returned to his old stomping grounds at neocon central, the American Enterprise Institute, where he continues to harangue about the UN, Islamofascists, and curtailing diplomacy.


RE: Richard Perle et al.

As a military veteran and former Infantry Rifle Company Commander, I am sickened by Richard Perle and people like him who are affiliated with our government, many of whom never served in the military but are the first to commit our greatest asset—young Americans—to fight for their hawkish causes. Simply put, Mr. Perle (with assistance from Mr. Paul Wolfowitz) was the key champion of the Iraq War—which is the wrong war, at the wrong time, and for all the wrong reasons. I am a registered Republican who despises right-wing policies from well-educated neoclassical "REMFs."

—David Kaercher

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IRC Global Good Neighbor Initiative

The initiative to promote a global good neighbor ethic as the guiding vision of U.S. foreign policy was launched by the International Relations Center (IRC) in May 2005 with events in New York City and Washington, DC. Consider adding your voice to the cause. And check out this new GGN video.

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